
external id
external identifier
external identifiers
> string identifier stored in, can be used to refer
> to a record regardless of its database identifier during data imports
> or export/import roundtrips.
> External identifiers are in the form (e.g.
> account.invoice_graph). From within a module, the
> module. prefix can be left out.
> Sometimes referred to as “xml id” or xml_id as XML-based
> reference/data make extensive use of them.
format string
: inspired by jinja variables, format strings allow more easily

mixing literal content and computed content (expressions): content between {{ and }} is interpreted as an expression and evaluated, other content is interpreted as literal strings and displayed as-is

Geographic Information System
> any computer system or subsystem to capture, store, manipulate,
> analyze, manage or present spatial and geographical data.
> process of removing extraneous/non-necessary sections of files
> (comments, whitespace) and possibly recompiling them using equivalent
> but shorter structures (ternary operator instead of if/else) in
> order to reduce network traffic