Framework Overview¶
The Odoo Javascript framework is a set of features/building blocks provided by
the web/
addon to help build odoo applications running in the browser. At
the same time, the Odoo Javascript framework is a single page application,
usually known as the web client (available at the url /web
The web client started as an application made with a custom class and widget system, but it is now transitioning to using native javascript classes instead, and Owl as a component system. This explains why both systems are currently in use in the codebase.
From a high-level perspective, the web client is a single-page application: it does not need to request a full page from the server each time the user performs an action. Instead, it only requests what it needs and then replaces/updates the current screen accordingly. Also, it manages the url to keep it in sync with the current state.
The javascript framework (all or some parts) is also used in other situations, such as the Odoo website or the point of sale. This reference is mostly focused on the web client.
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It is common in the Odoo ecosystem to see the words frontend and backend as synonyms for the odoo website (public) and the web client, respectively. This terminology is not to be confused with the more common use of browser-code (frontend) and server (backend).
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In this documentation, the word component always refers to new Owl components, and widget refers to old Odoo widgets.
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All new development should be done in Owl, if possible!
Code structure¶
The web/static/src
folder contains all the web/
javascript (and css and
templates) codebase. Here is a list of the most important folders:
most of the low level featuresfields/
all field componentsviews/
all javascript views components (form
, …)search/
control panel, search bar, search panel, …webclient/
the web client specific code: navbar, user menu, action service, …
The web/static/src
is the root folder. Everything inside can simply be
imported by using the @web
prefix. For example, here is how one can import
the memoize
function located in web/static/src/core/utils/functions
import { memoize } from "@web/core/utils/functions";
WebClient Architecture¶
As mentioned above, the web client is an owl application. Here is a slightly simplified version of its template:
<t t-name="web.WebClient">
<body class="o_web_client">
As we can see, it basically is a wrapper for a navbar, the current action and
some additional components. The ActionContainer
is a higher order component
that will display the current action controller (so, a client action, or a
specific view in the case of actions of type act_window
). Managing actions
is a huge part of its work: the action service keeps in memory a stack of
all active actions (represented in the breadcrumbs), and coordinates each
Another interesting thing to note is the MainComponentsContainer
: it is
simply a component that displays all components registered in the
registry. This is how other parts of the system can extend
the web client.
As an Owl application, the Odoo web client defines its own environment (components
can access it using this.env
). Here is a description of what Odoo adds to
the shared env
Key |
Value |
required by Owl (contains all templates) |
main bus, used to coordinate some generic events |
all deployed services (should usually be accessed
with the |
string. If non empty, the web client is in debug mode |
translation function |
boolean. If true, the web client is currently in mobile mode (screen width <= 767px) |
So, for example, to translate a string in a component (note: templates are automatically translated, so no specific action is required in that case), one can do this:
const someString = this.env._t('some text');
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Having a reference to the environment is quite powerful, because it provides
access to all services. This is useful in many cases: for example,
user menu items are mostly defined as a string, and a function taking the env
as unique argument. This is enough to express all user menu needs.
Building Blocks¶
Most of the web client is built with a few types of abstractions: registries, services, components and hooks.
Registries are basically a simple key/value mapping that stores some specific kind of objects. They are an important part of the extensibility of the UI: once some object is registered, the rest of the web client can use it. For example, the field registry contains all field components (or widgets) that can be used in views.
import { Component } from "@odoo/owl";
import { registry } from "./core/registry";
class MyFieldChar extends Component {
// some code
registry.category("fields").add("my_field_char", MyFieldChar);
Note that we import the main registry from @web/core/registry
then open the
sub registry fields
Services are long lived pieces of code that provide a
feature. They may be imported by components (with useService
) or by other
services. Also, they can declare a set of dependencies. In that sense, services
are basically a DI (dependency injection) system. For example, the notification
service provides a way to display a notification, or the rpc
service is the
proper way to perform a request to the Odoo server.
The following example registers a simple service that displays a notification every 5 second:
import { registry } from "./core/registry";
const serviceRegistry = registry.category("services");
const myService = {
dependencies: ["notification"],
start(env, { notification }) {
let counter = 1;
setInterval(() => {
notification.add(`Tick Tock ${counter++}`);
}, 5000);
serviceRegistry.add("myService", myService);
Components and Hooks¶
Components and hooks are ideas coming from the Owl component system. Odoo components are simply owl components that are part of the web client.
Hooks are a way to factorize code, even if it depends on lifecycle. This is a composable/functional way to inject a feature in a component. They can be seen as a kind of mixin.
function useCurrentTime() {
const state = useState({ now: new Date() });
const update = () => = new Date();
let timer;
onWillStart(() => timer = setInterval(update, 1000));
onWillUnmount(() => clearInterval(timer));
return state;
An important concept in the Odoo javascript is the context: it provides a way for code to give more context to a function call or a rpc, so other parts of the system can properly react to that information. In some way, it is like a bag of information that is propagated everywhere. It is useful in some situations, such as letting the Odoo server know that a model rpc comes from a specific form view, or activating/disabling some features in a component.
There are two different contexts in the Odoo web client: the user context and the action context (so, we should be careful when using the word context: it could mean a different thing depending on the situation).
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The context
object may be useful in many cases, but one should be careful
not to overuse it! Many problems can be solved in a standard way without
modifying the context.
User Context¶
The user context is a small object containing various informations related to
the current user. It is available through the user
class MyComponent extends Component {
setup() {
const user = useService("user");
It contains the following information:
Name |
Type |
Description |
the list of active company ids for the user |
the user language code (such as "en_us") |
the user current timezone (for example "Europe/Brussels") |
In practice, the orm
service automatically adds the user context to each of
its requests. This is why it is usually not necessary to import it directly in
most cases.
Ghi chú
The first element of the allowed_company_ids
is the main company of the user.
Action Context¶
The ir.actions.act_window and
ir.actions.client support an optional context
This field is a char
that represents an object. Whenever the corresponding
action is loaded in the web client, this context field will be evaluated as an
object and given to the component that corresponds to the action.
<field name="context">{'search_default_customer': 1}</field>
It can be used in many different ways. For example, the views add the action context to every requests made to the server. Another important use is to activate some search filter by default (see example above).
Sometimes, when we execute new actions manually (so, programmatically, in javascript),
it is useful to be able to extend the action context. This can be done with the
// in setup
let actionService = useService("action");
// in some event handler
actionService.doAction("addon_name.something", {
default_period_id: defaultPeriodId
In this example, the action with xml_id addon_name.something
will be loaded,
and its context will be extended with the default_period_id
value. This is a
very important usecase that lets developers combine actions together by providing
some information to the next action.
Python Interpreter¶
The Odoo framework features a built-in small python interpreter. Its purpose is to evaluate small python expressions. This is important, because views in Odoo have modifiers written in python, but they need to be evaluated by the browser.
import { evaluateExpr } from "@web/core/py_js/py";
evaluateExpr("1 + 2*{'a': 1}.get('b', 54) + v", { v: 33 }); // returns 142
The py
javascript code exports 5 functions:
- tokenize(expr)¶
- Đối số
expr (
) -- the expression to tokenize
- Trả về
Token[] a list of token
- parse(tokens)¶
- Đối số
tokens (
) -- a list of tokens
- Trả về
AST an abstract syntax tree structure representing the expression
- parseExpr(expr)¶
- Đối số
expr (
) -- a string representing a valid python expression
- Trả về
AST an abstract syntax tree structure representing the expression
- evaluate(ast[, context])¶
- Đối số
ast (
) -- a AST structure that represents an expressioncontext (
) -- an object that provides an additional evaluation context
- Trả về
any the resulting value of the expression, with respect to the context
- evaluateExpr(expr[, context])¶
- Đối số
expr (
) -- a string representing a valid python expressioncontext (
) -- an object that provides an additional evaluation context
- Trả về
any the resulting value of the expression, with respect to the context
Broadly speaking, domains in Odoo represent a set of records that matches some
specified conditions. In javascript, they are usually represented either as a
list of conditions (or of operators: |
, &
or !
in prefix notation), or as string
expressions. They don’t have to be normalized (the &
operator is implied if
necessary). For example:
// list of conditions
[["a", "=", 3]]
[["a", "=", 1], ["b", "=", 2], ["c", "=", 3]]
["&", "&", ["a", "=", 1], ["b", "=", 2], ["c", "=", 3]]
["&", "!", ["a", "=", 1], "|", ["a", "=", 2], ["a", "=", 3]]
// string expressions
"[('some_file', '>', a)]"
"[('date','>=', (context_today() - datetime.timedelta(days=30)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))]"
"[('date', '!=', False)]"
String expressions are more powerful than list expressions: they can contain python expressions and unevaluated values, that depends on some evaluation context. However, manipulating string expressions is more difficult.
Since domains are quite important in the web client, Odoo provides a Domain
new Domain([["a", "=", 3]]).contains({ a: 3 }) // true
const domain = new Domain(["&", "&", ["a", "=", 1], ["b", "=", 2], ["c", "=", 3]]);
domain.contains({ a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 }); // true
domain.contains({ a: -1, b: 2, c: 3 }); // false
// next expression returns ["|", ("a", "=", 1), ("b", "<=", 3)]
Domain.or([[["a", "=", 1]], "[('b', '<=', 3)]"]).toString();
Here is the Domain
class description:
- class Domain([descr])¶
- Đối số
descr (
string | any[] | Domain()
) -- a domain description
- Domain.contains(record)¶
- Đối số
record (
) -- a record object
- Trả về
Returns true if the record matches all the condition specified by the domain
- Domain.toString()¶
- Trả về
Returns a string description for the domain
- Domain.toList([context])¶
- Đối số
context (
) -- evaluation context
- Trả về
Returns a list description for the domain. Note that this method takes an optional
object that will be used to replace all free Domain(`[('a', '>', b)]`).toList({ b:3 }); // [['a', '>', 3]]
The Domain
class also provides 4 useful static methods to combine domains:
// ["&", ("a", "=", 1), ("uid", "<=", uid)]
Domain.and([[["a", "=", 1]], "[('uid', '<=', uid)]"]).toString();
// ["|", ("a", "=", 1), ("uid", "<=", uid)]
Domain.or([[["a", "=", 1]], "[('uid', '<=', uid)]"]).toString();
// ["!", ("a", "=", 1)]
Domain.not([["a", "=", 1]]).toString();
// ["&", ("a", "=", 1), ("uid", "<=", uid)]
Domain.combine([[["a", "=", 1]], "[('uid', '<=', uid)]"], "AND").toString();
- static Domain.and(domains)¶
- Tham số
domains (string[] | any[][] | Domain[]) -- a list of domain representations
- Trả về
Returns a domain representing the intersection of all domains.
- static Domain.or(domains)¶
- Tham số
domains (string[] | any[][] | Domain[]) -- a list of domain representations
- Trả về
Returns a domain representing the union of all domains.
- static Domain.not(domain)¶
- Tham số
domain (string | any[] | Domain) -- a domain representation
- Trả về
Returns a domain representing the negation of the domain argument
- static Domain.combine(domains, operator)¶
- Tham số
domains (string[] | any[][] | Domain[]) -- a list of domain representations
operator ('AND' or 'OR') -- an operator
- Trả về
Returns a domain representing either the intersection or the union of all the domains, depending on the value of the operator argument.
The web client environment object contains an event
bus, named bus
. Its purpose is to allow various parts of the system to properly
coordinate themselves, without coupling them. The env.bus
is an owl
that should be used for global events of interest.
// for example, in some service code:
env.bus.on("WEB_CLIENT_READY", null, doSomething);
Here is a list of the events that can be triggered on this bus:
Message |
Payload |
Trigger |
a mode indicating what part of the ui has been updated ('current', 'new' or 'fullscreen') |
the rendering of the action requested to the action manager is done |
next rendering info |
the action manager has finished computing the next interface |
none |
the menu service's current app has changed |
none |
the url hash was changed |
rpc id |
a rpc request has just started |
rpc id |
a rpc request is completed |
none |
the web client has been mounted |
none |
the main view should focus itself |
none |
all internal caches should be cleared |
list of functions |
all views with uncommitted changes should clear them, and push a callback in the list |
Browser Object¶
The javascript framework also provides a special object browser
provides access to many browser APIs, like location
, localStorage
or setTimeout
. For example, here is how one could use the
import { browser } from "@web/core/browser/browser";
// somewhere in code
browser.setTimeout(someFunction, 1000);
It is mostly interesting for testing purposes: all code using the browser object can be tested easily by mocking the relevant functions for the duration of the test.
It contains the following content:
Debug mode¶
Odoo can sometimes operate in a special mode called the debug
mode. It is used
for two main purposes:
display additional information/fields for some particular screens,
provide some additional tools to help developer debug the Odoo interface.
The debug
mode is described by a string. An empty string means that the debug
mode is not active. Otherwise, it is active. If the string contains assets
, then the corresponding specific sub modes are activated (see below). Both
modes can be active at the same time, for example with the string assets,tests
The debug
mode current value can be read in the environment:
To show menus, fields or view elements only in debug mode, you should target
the group base.group_no_one
<field name="fname" groups="base.group_no_one"/>
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Assets mode¶
The debug=assets
sub mode is useful to debug javascript code: once activated,
the assets bundles are no longer minified, and source-maps
are generated as well. This makes it useful to debug all kind of javascript code.
Tests mode¶
There is another sub mode named tests
: if enabled, the server injects the
bundle web.assets_tests
in the page. This bundle contains mostly test tours
(tours whose purpose is to test a feature, not to show something interesting to
users). The tests
mode is then useful to be able to run these tours.
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