Phế phẩm trong quá trình sản xuất¶
Trong quá trình sản xuất, có thể phát sinh nhu cầu loại bỏ các thành phần sản xuất hoặc thành phẩm. Điều này có thể cần thiết nếu một thành phần hoặc sản phẩm bị hư hỏng hoặc không sử dụng được vì bất kỳ lý do nào khác.
Theo mặc định, việc loại bỏ một thành phần hoặc thành phẩm sẽ loại chúng khỏi kho vật lý và đưa đến một vị trí ảo có tên là Vị trí ảo/Phế phẩm. Một vị trí ảo không phải là một không gian vật lý, mà là một tính năng trong Odoo được sử dụng để theo dõi các mặt hàng không còn trong kho vật lý.
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For more information, see the documentation about the different types of locations.
Components can be scrapped from both the Manufacturing app and the Shop Floor module, before the associated manufacturing order (MO) is closed. Finished products can only be scrapped from the Manufacturing app, and only after closing the associated MO.
Scrap orders can be viewed by navigating to
. Each scrap order shows the date and time the order was created, along with the product and quantity that was scrapped.To view the total quantity of each item scrapped, navigate to Internal filter from the Search... bar to display all virtual locations. From the list, select the Virtual Locations/Scrap location.
, then remove theCửa sổ Loại bỏ bật lên¶
Scrapping components and finished products is done through the Scrap pop-up window. The pop-up window can be accessed from an MO in the backend, or the Shop Floor module.
Loại bỏ thành phần trong quá trình sản xuất¶
To scrap a component from an MO, begin by navigating to Scrap button to open the Scrap pop-up window.
, and then select an MO. At the top of the MO, click theLoại bỏ thành phẩm trong quá trình sản xuất¶
To scrap a finished product from an MO, begin by navigating to Produce All button to close it.
. Select an open MO, and then click theTo select an MO that has already been closed, navigate to To Do filter from the Search... bar, and then select the desired MO.
, remove theOnce closed, click the Scrap button at the top of the MO to open the Scrap pop-up window.
Loại bỏ thành phần từ Xưởng¶
To scrap a component from the Shop Floor module, begin by navigating to ⋮ (three vertical dots) button on an MO card, or select a work center from the top navigation, and click the ⋮ (three vertical dots) button on a work order card.
. Then, either click theEither method opens the What do you want to do? pop-up window. Click the Scrap button on the window to open the Scrap pop-up window.
Cửa sổ Loại bỏ bật lên¶
After opening the scrap pop-up window using one of the methods detailed above, select the component or finished product being scrapped, from the Product drop-down menu.
In the Quantity field, enter the quantity being scrapped.
By default, the Source Location field is set to the warehouse’s pre-production location, while the Scrap Location field is set to the Virtual Locations/Scrap location. If either the source or scrap location should be changed, select a different location from their respective drop-down menus.
Enable the Replenish Scrapped Quantities checkbox if a picking order should be created to replace the scrapped component(s) upon confirmation of the scrap order. This option should only be enabled for warehouses with two-step or three-step manufacturing enabled, since components are not picked as part of the one-step manufacturing process.

Click the Scrap button to scrap the selected component. After one or more scrap orders have been created, a Scraps smart button appears at the top of the screen. Click it to view a list of all scrap orders for the MO.
If a picking order was automatically created to replenish the scrapped components, it can be accessed by opening the # To Process button on the Pick Components card, and selecting the order.
app, clicking the