Dispatch management system

The dispatch management system feature in Odoo is used to plan and build shipments. Key features include:

  • Load building: Group products for specific carriers, assign those batches to loading docks, and manage vehicle assignments based on fleet capacity. This ensures the right products are packed into the appropriate trucks for delivery.

  • Fleet management: Track and manage the capacity of in-house delivery vehicles.

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To use the dispatch management system, the following setup must be completed:

  1. Install the Fleet application.

  2. Configure vehicle capacity (volume and weight).

  3. Enter vehicle car model(s).

  4. Enable necessary features in the Inventory app.

  5. Set up vehicles as delivery methods.

  6. Create dock locations.

Vehicle capacity

To configure the vehicle capacity, go to Fleet app ‣ Configuration ‣ Categories.

Next, click New to add a new category, or click into an existing category to modify it. In the Name field, enter the type of vehicle (e.g., Pick-up truck, Van, or Cargo truck). Then, enter the vehicle capacity in the Max Weight (in kilograms) and Max Volume (in cubic meters) fields.

Vehicle categories with defined weight and volume.

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The units of measurement for vehicle capacity are assigned at the global level in the Settings app, in the Units of Measure section.

Show units of measure settings.

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Vehicle category

Car model

Configuring a vehicle’s car model is required when adding vehicles in Odoo. Ensure the correct Category is selected for a car model. Doing so automatically applies weight and volume capacities to all vehicles of that type.

To configure, navigate to Fleet app ‣ Configuration ‣ Models.

From the Models list, select an existing model, or click New in the top-left corner to create a new model. Then, set the relevant Category field to the relevant vehicle category.

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Create car model

Inventory settings

Next, go to Inventory app ‣ Configuration ‣ Settings, and enable the required features for dispatch management.

In the Operations section, tick the Batch, Wave & Cluster Transfers checkbox to prepare batches of orders for delivery.

In the Shipping section, tick the Delivery Methods and Dispatch Management System checkboxes. Doing so allows specific vehicles to be set as carriers.

In the Warehouse section, tick the Storage Locations checkbox to assign specific locations in the warehouse as loading zones for delivery trucks.

Then, once all the configurations are complete, be sure to click Save.

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Next, assign each delivery vehicle as a Carrier by configuring a delivery method.

To configure delivery methods, go to Inventory app ‣ Configuration ‣ Delivery Methods. Select an existing delivery method, or click New.

On the Delivery Method form, enter a name for the delivery method. It is recommended to use identifying information, such as the vehicle description and license plate number (e.g. Truck 123-ABCD).

Since the delivery methods are managed internally, set the Provider to either Fixed Price or Based on Rules. For more information about how shipping prices are calculated, refer to the Delivery method article.

Next, set a Delivery Product, which is the product that shows up as the customer’s delivery charge on the sales order or invoice.

Optionally, in the Availability tab, set the Countries, States, or Zip Prefixes to limit the range of local delivery.

Delivery method form.

Example delivery method, with the Zip Prefixes set to San Francisco’s zip code.

Dock locations

Each loading dock must have a dedicated location. To create or configure dock locations, go to Inventory app ‣ Configuration ‣ Locations.

Click the desired location, which opens the Location form. In the Additional Information section, tick the Is a Dock Location checkbox.

Location configuration.

Location configuration page with Is a Dock Location checkbox ticked.

Build loads

Once setup is complete, assign orders to a carrier and group them into batches. Then, configure the batch form, as needed.

To group products, go to the Inventory app ‣ Operations ‣ Deliveries, which reveals a list of outgoing deliveries.

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Since this article is about a specific use case, explore details about each picking method in their dedicated articles.

Carrier assignment

Reveal the Carrier column, if it is not visible by default, by clicking the (settings) icon in the top-right corner, and ticking the Carrier checkbox.


Other useful columns to enable can be Zip code, Shipping Weight, and Shipping Volume.

Select the delivery orders for the batch by ticking the checkboxes on the left. Next, click into the line’s Carrier fields. In the resulting drop-down menu, choose the desired vehicle’s delivery method. A Confirmation pop-up window appears, indicating the number of orders being added to the batch. Click Confirm, and the carrier is updated for all the selected records.

Set carrier.

The delivery method Truck 1-MER-001 is set as the Carrier for two delivery orders.

Create batch

With the carrier set, begin adding orders to a batch or wave transfer by ticking the checkbox.

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If a delivery order is already assigned to a batch transfer, assigning a batch transfer here does not update it.

Then, click the Actions button, and click either Add to batch or Add to wave. In the pop-up window, ensure Add to is set to a new [batch/wave] transfer, then click Confirm.

Example wave.

Delivery orders are selected to be grouped into a wave transfer.

Alternative batch creation method

Another place to create batches is by going to the Inventory app, and in the Delivery Orders card, click the (three dots) icon. In the resulting drop-down menu, click Prepare batch.

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The Transport Management drop-down menu contains other tools for fleet management:

  • Manage Batches: open list of batches

  • Dock Dispatching: open weekly calendar view of scheduled batch operations

  • Batches by Route: Kanban view of batches grouped by fulfillment route

  • Calendar: open hourly calendar view of scheduled operations

  • Statistics: open pivot table of the batch transfers

Show prepare batch option from the Transport Management drop-down menu.

Batch form

On the batch transfer form, fill the following fields out accordingly:

  • Responsible: employee assigned to the picking. Leave blank if any worker can fulfill this picking.

  • Operation Type: from the drop-down menu, select the operation type under which the picking is categorized.

  • Scheduled Date: specifies the date by which the Responsible person should complete the transfer to the output location.

  • Dock Location: select the loading location.

  • Vehicle: select the vehicle, which will auto-fill Vehicle Category.

  • Vehicle Category: show if the order exceeds the vehicle's capacity limits


The Volume bar is grayed out because the capacity has been reached.

Show batch form.

Prepare delivery route

To help the driver prepare, click the Map button at the top of the batch or wave form to view delivery destinations on a map. Selecting an individual delivery order pinpoints its location.

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The Map button is only visible for transfers with the In progress status.

Show map in Odoo, with information of the delivery orders.

Additionally, use the View in Google Maps button to generate a route from the warehouse to the delivery points.

Show Google Map route.