Thảo luận

Odoo Discuss is an internal communication app that allows users to connect through messages, notes, file sharing, and video calls. Discuss enables communication through a persistent chat window that works across applications, or through the dedicated Discuss dashboard.

Upon opening the Discuss app, the Discuss dashboard appears.

Inbox, starred, and history

Upon opening the Discuss app, the Discuss dashboard appears.

On the Discuss dashboard, unread messages are visible in the Inbox. Starred is where starred messages are stored. History shows chatter updates for records in the Odoo database the user has been assigned to, or tagged on.

Tin nhắn trực tiếp

Direct messages allow the user to communicate privately with one or multiple team members. To start a new direct message, click the icon, next to Direct Messages on the Discuss dashboard, and enter the name of the desired person in the Start a conversation search bar that appears.


Multiple names can be selected in the Start a conversation search bar. Once all of the names have been entered, press Enter.

Direct message actions

Hover over a direct message in the chat window to see a menu of actions to take on the message.

  • (Add a Reaction): open a drop-down menu of emojis that can be used to react to the direct message.

  • (Reply): reply to the direct message in a thread.

  • (Mark as Todo): add the message to the Starred tab.

  • (Expand): reveals more message actions, including:

    • Pin

    • Mark as Unread

    • Edit

    • Delete

Conversation actions

The icons in the top-right corner of a direct message conversation represent different actions the user can take on that conversation.

Click Notification Settings to set up notification preferences for the conversation, or click Start a Call to begin a meeting. See the Meetings section for more information about meetings.

At the top of the direct message window, click the name of the direct message to change the group name, and choose to add a description in the adjacent Add a description field.

View of the conversation actions.

Ghi chú

The Add a description field is only available for group messages with more than two participants.

Trạng thái người dùng

It is helpful to see what colleagues are up to, and how quickly they can respond to messages, by checking their status. The status is displayed as a circle in the bottom-right corner of a contact’s photo in the (Members List).

The color of the circle represents the user’s status:

  • Green = online

  • Orange = away

  • White = offline

  • Airplane = out of the office

Leave a direct message conversation

To leave a direct message conversations, click the (Leave this channel) icon next to the conversation name in the Direct Messages section of the sidebar.

Ghi chú

Leaving a conversation does not delete the direct messages in the conversation. The direct message conversation’s history is visible when another direct message with the same person, or group, is created.

Cuộc họp

In Discuss, Meetings are video calls. To start a meeting from the Discuss dashboard, click Start a meeting in the top-left corner, and select who to invite to the meeting, via the Invite People drop-down window that appears. To start a meeting from a direct message, click the Start a Call icon in the top-right corner.

View of a Meeting in Odoo Discuss.

Once a meeting has been started, the following buttons can be used:

Biểu tượng

Sử dụng





Turn camera on/off

Raise Hand

Share Screen

Enter Full Screen

User-specific notification preferences

Access user-specific preferences for the Discuss app by navigating to Settings app ‣ Manage Users, select a user, then click the Preferences tab.

View of the Preferences tab for Odoo Discuss.

By default, the Notification field is set as Handle by Emails. With this setting enabled, a notification email is sent by Odoo every time a message is sent from the chatter of a record, a note is sent with an @ mention (from the chatter of a record), or a notification is sent for a record the user follows.

By choosing Handle in Odoo, the above notifications are shown in the Discuss app’s Inbox.

Chat from different applications

The Discuss application enables communication across all of Odoo’s applications. To view chats and channels, or start a new message, select the speech bubbles that are consistently present in the upper-right corner of the database header.

Use Discuss across other applications by clicking the speech bubbles.