IoT system updates

Due to the complexity of IoT systems, the term updating can refer to several processes, including:

  • Updating the IoT system's image and/or core code;

  • Updating the handlers, which include the interfaces and drivers.

Image and core code update

To check if the IoT box is up-to-date (and update it if needed), access the IoT box's homepage, click the (cogs) button at the top-right, then Update in the Version section.


Enable the developer mode to view the current versions of the IoT box's image and core code.

Image update

To update the IoT box's image, flash its SD card. Flashing can be performed using balenaEtcher, a free and open-source tool for writing disk images to SD cards.

Ghi chú

  • Updating the IoT system's image is often required after upgrading the Odoo database to a newer version.

  • A computer with a micro SD card reader/adapter is required to flash the micro SD card.

  • An alternative software for flashing the micro SD card is Raspberry Pi Imager.

  1. Download balenaEtcher.

  2. Insert the IoT box's micro SD card into the computer or adapter.

  3. Open balenaEtcher, click Flash from URL, and enter the following URL:

  4. Click Select target and select the SD card.

  5. Click Flash and wait for the process to finish.

Flashing the SD card with balenaEtcher

Core code update

To update the IoT box's core code, click Update under IoT Box Update in the Update popup.

Nguy hiểm

This process may take over 30 minutes. Do not turn off or unplug the IoT box during this time, as doing so could leave the device in an inconsistent state, requiring the IoT box to be reflashed with a new image.

Handler (driver) update

To update the IoT system’s handlers (i.e., drivers and interfaces) and synchronize them with the configured server handler’s code, for example, to resolve issues where devices are not functioning properly with the IoT system, proceed as follows:

  1. Access the IoT box's or Windows virtual IoT's homepage and click the (cogs) button at the top-right.

  2. Click Update in the Version section.

  3. In the Update popup that opens, click Force Drivers Update.

Quan trọng

If you have an on-premise or database, the configured server must be up-to-date to ensure the handlers’ code includes the latest fixes and patches.

Ghi chú

A handler update is also performed automatically every time the IoT system is restarted unless the Automatic drivers update option is disabled in the Technical information tab in the IoT system's form in Odoo.